Poems and Stories

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Russian Roulette with Jimmy Tahoe

Writing is like Russian Roulette.  You write, you shoot. Sometimes, its a blank and you feel sort of good that you wrote something even if it wasn't very good.  Then, you write, you shoot, and BANG! It works and the character you wrote about comes alive.  You keep writing and he grows with you and learns from you and you learn from him.  Then, you stop.  He stops too.  He waits for you to come back and finish him or save him or kill him.
Jimmy Tahoe is out there waiting for me.  He is a small native American boy living on and off the lake. Lake Tahoe, of course.  He was born on the beach at the end of the lake where the town is now. His parents named him after the lake.  Then, they died soon thereafter when he was only 8 years old.
He has been 8 years old for over 30 years because that was when I stopped writing about him.

This is what I think Jimmy looks like.

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